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The Swish

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We're going into the verse progression here, and guitar 1 will be playing big open chords: open A major, then an open G but we leave the third out, making it a G5. Then F# minor with an added major 6th, D.

Going from the G the F# minor voicing makes more sense, you keep your ring finger on G and simply move your middle finger to the 2nd fret of the G string and your index finger to the F# on the low E string.

We're gonna turn the progression around with hits on D5 and G5. Take notice that there's no third in either of these chords. For the D we're also playing the open A string, creating a really fat, open power chord. Excellent little trick for your rocking pleasure.

Also, be sure to get those syncopated hits at the end, go back and look it over one more time for good measure before moving on.

Lesson Info
Instructor Henrik Linde
The Swish