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Father And Son

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In this lesson we are going to take a look at how to play the chord progression heard in the second part of the song, sang from the perspective of the son. The chord progression in this section is very similar, with a few changes and a shorter progression. The key thing to notice in this section is the heightened dynamics. Here are a few key points to help you play this section along with the song.

Key Points:

1. This section is 8 bars long, with an added bar of 3/4 to lead into the solo section. The chord progression is similar to our last lesson, only differences being

2. The chord progression is:

4/4: G Bmi - C Ami - G Emi - Ami D

G Bmi - C Ami - G Emi - D G G

3/4 D - C:

3. With the rhythm section going now, it is encouraged to embellish on the chords and to add suspensions, 7ths, and a little bit more intense strumming.

4. This section ends with an awkward feel but it is time so make sure to count out loud while you play.

5. The section ends going into the main guitar part that we looked at in the first lesson, playing the progression twice.

Lesson Info
Father And Son