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Father And Son

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In this lesson I am going to teach you how to play the chord progression heard in the first part of the song. The lyrics in this section come from the perspective of the father, so the playing and singing is played at a softer dynamic. We will be focusing on the rhythm guitar part, played by Stevens, and the chords and embellishments being heard. Here are a few key points to guide you through this beginning section.

Key Points:

1. This section is a four bar phrase that repeats four times with a few slight variations. The fourth time through the progression is 3 bars; two bars of 4/4 and one bar of 5/4.

2. The chord progression is:

4/4: G D/F# - C Ami - G Emi - Ami D

G Bmi - C Ami - G Emi - Ami D

G D/F# - C Ami - G Emi - Ami D

G D/F# - C Ami - 5/4 G Emi D

3. The strumming pattern of each chord revolves around playing on the down beat and adding a 16th note strumming pattern on beats 2 and 4. This pattern is consistent throughout, adding slight embellishments on the chords.

4. The section ends going into the main guitar part that we looked at in the last lesson, playing the progression twice.

Lesson Info
Father And Son