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Father And Son

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In our first section I am going to cover the guitar part heard at the top of the song. This is the signature part heard throughout the track, and you will also hear this part as a transition piece between each changing section. Here are a few key points to help you play the chords and rhythms heard in this section.

Key Points:

1. This section is one bar long and is heard as the intro of the song 4x. You will also hear it as a transition between each section, playing the progression twice.

2. The chords being played are G major and C/G; playing a C major triad on the D, G, and B strings while still playing the low G.

3. This section is played pretty much the same each time, with the exception of the lead into the solo; where the G chord accents leading into the guitar solo. The rhythm section accents this as well.

Lesson Info
Father And Son