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Musicianship 1: Developing Your Own Groove

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Using a metronome is kinda like riding a bike with training wheels. Ultimately you want to be able to remove the training wheels and keep your balance by yourself! So in this lesson we're gonna look at a great way to start weening yourself off the metronome. First I'll show you a simple guitar part and then we're gonna play it with the metronome.
First time around we'll play it with the metronome on all four beats. Second time we'll only have the metronome on 1 and 3. Third time we'll only have it on beat 1 and finally we'll play through it with the metronome on beat 1 of every other bar.

This way your own time feel has to gradually take over for the metronome, and by doing this you'll be developing your own "inner metronome"!

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Musicianship 1: Developing Your Own Groove