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The Secret Power of I, IV, V (and beyond!)

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In this lesson, we look again at how a 'key' is constructed, as regards the chords that will likely be used to accompany music played in that key.

This time, however, we'll look at the key of D.

In the key of D, the 'One Chord' is D.

Make a numbered list, 1 through six. Starting with D in position number 1, fill in the letters in alphabetical order.

Find the Three Major Chords
in the Key of D

1 = D

2 = E

3 = F#

4 = G

5 = A

6 = B

These letter names will correspond with the first six tones of the major scale in the key of D.
Why F Sharp (F#)?
F# is the third tone of the major scale in the key of D.
For our purposes right now, you do not need to know WHY it's F#, and not plain old F. Just take my word for it for the time being, and we'll go into more detail later as it becomes more relevant. Ok? Ok. Onward.

Now, let's get back to our list. Circle number 1, number 4, and number 5. You'll end up with D, G and A.

That's your 'One, Four, Five', or in other words, those are the three major chords that work together to accompany the vast majority of basic songs in the key of D.

In this lesson, we see these 3 chord go to work with the same simple song as we used in the previous lessons, Twinkle Twinkle.

But don't stop there. Try applying these 3 chords to any number of basic songs you can think of. Oh Susannah, You Are My Sunshine, This Land is Your Land, Happy Birthday, the list goes on virtually forever!

(D) Twinkle (D) Twinkle (G) little (D) star

(G) How I (D) wonder (A) what you (D) are

(D) Up a..(G)..bove the (D) world so (A) high

(D) Like a (G) diamond (D) in the (A) sky

(D) Twinkle (D) twinkle (G) little (D) star

(G) How I (D) wonder (A) what you (D) are

Are you seeing the pattern here?
As long as we're using the One, Four and Five chords in any of these major keys, the song comes together perfectly well!

Another way of looking at this would be in terms of the chords and their relative positions in the list of 1 through 6.

(1) Twinkle (1) Twinkle (4) little (1) star

(4) How I (1) wonder (5) what you (1) are

(1) Up a..(4)..bove the (1) world so (5) high

(1) Like a (4) diamond (1) in the (5) sky

(1) Twinkle (1) twinkle (4) little (1) star

(4) How I (1) wonder (5) what you (1) are


This system allows you to instantly place the song in any major key that exists!

Pretty amazing, isn't it?


Note: This is lesson #4 in a series of 11 lessons on Basic Chord Theory for guitar.
If you happened to join us partway through, feel free to go back to Lesson 1 to catch up! (click)

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The Secret Power of I, IV, V (and beyond!)