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Modern Day Cowboy

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Playing this tune with only one guitar can be a challenge. Since some guitars or parts happen simultaneously, or overlap, you have to make some choices. I urge you to concentrate on learning each guitar layer all the way through before you approach it on one guitar.

Once you feel you're ready to play the song with one guitar, kick off the tune with Guitar 1, incorporating Guitar 2's fast legato lick in each instance it occurs. Switch to Guitar 2 for both guitar solos, then play the acoustic interlude by using a clean electric guitar sound. Switch back to Guitar 1 for the final verse, pre-chorus, and chorus. Switch to Guitar 2 for the outro solo, then play the outro acoustic riff using a clean electric sound to end off the tune.

Remember to include and plan for changes in tone or settings along the way. You'll have to prepare for those before you actually start linking these parts together!

Playing this song correctly all the way through is challenging, so if you can do it, take a moment to congratulate yourself on how far you've come! If the single guitar path I laid out for you works, then great! If not, you can pick any creative path for yourself from the previous lessons and all the parts you have learned. Have fun with it!

Now let's check out the full play through of Modern Day Cowboy on only one guitar!!

Lesson Info
Instructor Mike Olekshy
Modern Day Cowboy