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Now it's time to play through this whole song up to speed with the backing track. Remember to let the saxophone do the soloing and just focus on locking in with the drums and the bass and playing the riff a little better and a little tighter every time it repeats.

I hope you've had a ton of fun learning this fun and classic song. Don't be frustrated with yourself if you found it surprisingly hard to stick to that one part without playing fills and starting to solo. Because that eagerness is also what's going to add excitement to your playing and make it interesting to listen to. Plus, it'll drive you to practice and learn new things. So don't beat yourself up if it's hard for you, but it is an extremely important thing to learn to control. So often being a great musician has to do with learning when to hold back and when to let it all flow, and this song is the perfect exercise in holding back. Have fun with it!

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