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Hoochie Coochie Man

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Now it's time to play through this whole song up to speed with band. And remember that it's never a bad idea to just watch and listen a couple of times before you start playing along yourself. Here it goes!

I hope you've had a ton of fun learning this truly classic blues song. The vocabulary you've learned from it can be used in a million other blues songs, so every minute you spend on these parts is well spent. This song is also a great reminder that although blues is often guitar-driven, it's not always guitar-centric. The vocals and the overall vibe should be the focus and everything the guitars are doing, even the busier lead licks, is supporting that: just like all the other instruments. Playing a song like this is a team effort, and hopefully this tutorial has made you realize how to do your part as a guitar player. Have fun with it!

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Hoochie Coochie Man