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Hoochie Coochie Man

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The main guitar part on this recording is played on a Telecaster with a capo in the 5th fret. A lot of the old blues guys used capos to change the key, while still being able to use their favorite licks and tricks. You could of course play this part without the capo, but it does help give you that authentic blues sound.

Apart from that I'm also not using a pick for this song; just my thumb, which also helps make it more authentic sounding. That can be a little tricky at first, but it's a great tool to have in your toolbox for this style of music.

I'll be using my bridge pickup and I'll be running my Telecaster through a modeled Fender Princeton amp with a little bit of reverb added. The amp is turned up quite a bit, so I get some muddy overdrive out of it.

For the supporting lead guitar part I'll be using my Gibson 335 on the bridge pickup, and I'll also be running that through a modeled Fender Princeton amp with a little bit of reverb. However, I will keep the tone a little cleaner for this part.

But as always, you wanna remember that you can play this song on any gear, and if you play the parts well, it'll sound great. Just make sure you don't use too much gain or too much ambience like delay or reverb; keep it really bare bones and raw! That's the goal with this style of music.

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Hoochie Coochie Man