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Runaway Train

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Next we are going to take a look at how to play both pre-choruses. We will be playing two acoustic guitars here, as well as a subtle electric guitar. Here are some key points to help you the pre-choruses.

1. This chord progression is 8 bars long each time:
// F / G / C G/B / Ami / F / Emi / G / G //

2. Guitar #1 plays our open chords, while guitar #2 plays some rhythm licks outlining the chord and some extensions of each chord. Make sure to note the Bb played over the F chord, which is an accidental heard throughout this song (the flat 7).

3. Guitar #1 is the same both times, while guitar #2 only changes in how it starts. The second pre-chorus starts off with our higher inversion F chord, with the added Bb.

4. The electric guitar enters at the end of each pre-chorus. You will play the open G chord for full two bars at the end of the first pre-chorus. At the end of the second, you will outline the chord with an arpeggio of G starting on beat 3 of the last measure.

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Runaway Train