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Double Stop Progression In A

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This is the second lick in our progression, and it starts really close to the last double stop in the previous lesson. I just drop my ring finger down to the third string, and put my pinky underneath it on the 2nd string.

Then I just make the bar with my index finger in the 5th fret, and get ready to pull off after playing the double stop. My fingers stay in the same frets, but I do move the ring finger to the 4th string. After playing another double stop, I use my index finger to pull off to the 5th fret on the 4th string. The pinky doesn't move, until I go to the 5th string.

This one sounds great fast too, but remember to build your speed gradually.

I used the same tone for this one, a little compression, and reverb.

Pay close attention to where you end this one, because that's where the next one starts.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Double Stop Progression In A