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Stringband Guitar: O Brother, This is Fun!

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In this lesson, I'll show you the bass runs you can use in the key of A. Bass runs serve to create a little extra movement and interest in the guitar part when playing Stringband music.

From A to D, the Bass Run notes are: E and F# (4th string 2nd fret, 4th string 4th fret).

From D back to A, you retrace your steps. The Bass Run notes are: F# (4th string, 4th fret) and E (4th string, 2nd fret).

From A to E, the Bass Run notes are: G# and F#, played on the 6th string (6th string 4th fret, 6th string 2nd fret).

From E back to A, you retrace your steps The Bass Run notes are: F# and G# (6th string 2nd fret, 6th string 4th fret).

Lesson Info
Stringband Guitar: O Brother, This is Fun!