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Randy Rhoads Artist Study

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Dave will show you the guitar tone and playing style of the legendary guitarist Randy Rhoads.

Rhoads was most famous for his role as guitarist with Ozzy Osbourne after Ozzy left Black Sabbath to start a solo career. Ozzy’s first two solo albums were immediately metal classics largely due to the larger than life playing and sound of the young guitarist trying to make a name for himself. Rhoads playing was influenced by earlier hard rock and metal players of the 60s and 70s, but he added a layer of complexity and neo-classical influence that was totally his own and very innovative.

Although Rhoads tragically died after those first two legendary albums, his playing and style have gone on to influence future generations of rock and metal guitarists.

We'll study Rhoads’s style by breaking it down into several key factors and learn what makes it special, then we’ll learn to play some riffs and licks in his style. This tutorial will cover the basics of his gear and tone, the rhythm riffs and the lead licks.

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Randy Rhoads Artist Study