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Mixing Major & Minor Chords 1: G, E minor, C, D

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In this tutorial series we will use a backing track to practice mixing various open string major and minor chords together for the first time. As usual we are focusing on two things: getting from one chord shape to the next and doing it in time with the music.

Remember to take the time to get used to the physical motions required in switching back and forth between the chords. In this case we are going to use the following chords:

  • G major for two measures.

  • E minor for two measures.

  • C major for two measures.

  • D major for two measures.

  • Repeat!

    The ultimate goal with this tutorial is to play along with every chord or note, changing at the right time and playing right along in rhythm. Along the way you may need to "miss" the last chord or two in any measure in order to get to the next chord in time. That's fine. Do that until you can add those "missing" chords and fill in all the blanks.

    Remember to get all the chord changes down as physical motions, first. Then try with the musical accompaniment on the next lesson. Have fun with it!

  • Lesson Info
    Any Style
    Mixing Major & Minor Chords 1: G, E minor, C, D