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Full Access Plus, How it Works and Which Class is Right For You?

Hi everyone! Some of you may already know about our live group sessions, Full Access Plus. We’ve recently made some exciting changes to the Plus program and I’m here to tell you about them as well as give you a general overview of what these live classes are. Read on to find out!


What is Full Access Plus?

Guitar Tricks Full Access Plus is an add-on membership on top of the standard Full Access subscription that gets you three live online lessons with a guitar coach each week. Everyone who signs up will also get a custom lesson plan based on their current experience and by completing our survey. 


Do you have to attend all three lessons each week?

No. You may attend all three lessons if you'd like, but if you have to skip a day, that's okay. You are not required to attend all three lessons. We offer three days each week so that you have more options to fit at least one lesson into your weekly schedule. 


Who are the Guitar Coaches? 

At the time of this writing there are five guitar coaches to choose from with Full Access Plus. If you have been a Full Access member in the past, you’re probably already familiar with these teachers. We’re proud to have Mike Olekshy, Dave Celentano, Henrik Linde, Bob Porri, and Gary Heimbauer lead a number of classes for Full Access Plus. Learn more about them and their class schedule here.


New Beginner Classes and Experienced Classes

For those of you who had tried Plus, you will know that the classes before were a mix of both beginner and experienced guitar players. Classes are now categorized as “Beginner Only” or “Experienced Only.” This is the biggest change to Plus. 

Thanks to these more focused classes, the skill gap is reduced so students are on a more equal playing field. So instead of the instructor answering a question about sweep picking, and then showing another student how to play an Open G chord, office hours sessions and the topics covered within, are more applicable and useful to all students participating. 


Should I go into a Beginner or Experienced Class? 

It’s really important to be able to gauge your guitar skill level. Instructor Mike Olekshy, who has tons of experience recording and playing professionally, said that “if [students] are comfortable with the Fundamentals material, they are good to go with the Experienced classes.”  

This is a great rule of thumb. If you’re confident and comfortable in playing and understanding all of the materials in Guitar Fundamentals 1 and 2, then you should sign up for an Experienced class. 

“If a student ... can play and execute a good number of chord changes in time, can play some scales, and can move along fairly well when trying to learn a song... then they have probably moved into an area beyond beginner and into a more experienced level,” said Bob Porri who has over 50 years of playing and recording experience in a number of genres like pop, rock, blues, jazz and more.

If you’re still working and learning the concepts in Guitar Fundamentals 1 and 2, but want extra help, then you should sign up for a Beginner class on Full Access Plus. 


But what can I really expect?  

Instructor Henrik Linde, who leads a Beginner class said that students can expect to “learn the basics and grow from beginner to advanced from an industry professional. You’ll learn everything in a proper, academic way, but also get tips and tricks from an experience with lots of laughs!” 


"A few things that I will cover are: helping you with songs and styles you're learning from the Gutiar Tricks site,” Instructor Dave Celentano said. Dave has taught a number of lessons across the website and possibly one of the most experienced gutiar coaches available. He continued, “...soloing concepts and techniques, improvising over blues and rock rhythms, a little bit of music theory (don’t let this scare you, I will make it fun and easy to understand), exploring various techniques including sweep picking, two-hand tapping, hybrid picking ... and a whole lot more.” 

“A good portion of what I work on with students involves answering questions about the Guitar Tricks materials and coaching through something they may feel "stuck" on,” said Instructor Bob Porri, who, like Dave, holds an Experienced class. “...I coach in areas where a student may be needing help with execution of techniques, rhythms, some music theory...”


That's Guitar Tricks Full Access Plus! If you have anymore questions about how the program works, please refer to our FAQ at the bottom of this page.

Let us know what you think. Are you or have you been part of the Plus program before? Did you enjoy it? Let us know in the comments, and if you’re looking to sign up or know someone that you want to take lessons with, why not share this with them? 

Sign up for Guitar Tricks Full Access Plus today


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