View post (Am I being too picky, lazy, thick, etc. or this lesson is kind of half-arsed...?)

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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,402
03/03/2024 3:57 pm

I'm sorry for your frustration.  Let's back up here a minute.

Yes, I create lessons for GT & help with some of the other tasks.  But I don't work on every lesson, nor was I involved on every lesson.  I didn't teach this lesson, I didn't do the notation for this lesson, I was not in any way part of its production.  It's not my job to go through every single song lesson video to look for errors. 

This particular tutorial notation was done by someone that doesn't work for GT any longer & hasn't for years.  I'm not sure how long.  Many of the older tutorials were done by independent contractor musicians that do some work for a while & then move on.  That's very much the nature of the business and industry as a whole.

Now, back to the problem you are having.  Yes, you are right, it should have been done correctly in the first place.  But I'm not even familiar with the song.  So I'm just trying to come along 10 years after the fact & look for inconsistencies between what the teacher plays & notation.  

I did watch the whole video lesson in question a few times all the way through & forwarded the instruction to fix it to the notation team.

But I didn't ask anyone to go through the whole song tutorial looking for errors.   So, I will do that now & hopefully get this one fixed entirely.

Sorry again for you frustration.

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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