must all things pass?!

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Joined: 04/17/13
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10/21/2020 4:29 pm

love GT! I have even stood up for it's annoying use of captacha. However it is a horrible program!! It does not make sense, it's photos are very small, highly pixelated, and difficult to read. It asks questions that suggest the authors do not speak English well enough to competently judge the answers they receive. It really seems dumb to continually waste time trying to argue with a machine that does not speak the language! I believe Jerry Jeff Walker summed it up with the song refrain "Pissing in the wind"

A couple of days ago I was denied access, by captcha, to the forum without identifying the "hills". I studied the fuzzy photos closely and marked the photos of hills. There was a Freeway embankment in one of the photos.

I grew up in L.A., "under the shade of a Freeway" and I know the difference between a hill and a man made freeway embankment. Hell I grew up playing in freeway construction sites after the workers went home.... I know what an embankment is!! Yet captcha locked me out because I didn't identify the embankment as a hill. ONE IS A MAN MADE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND THE OTHER IS A NATURAL GEOLOGICAL FORMATION!!! Yet I am locked out?! Is captcha supposed to be a funny way of saying "got you"?! Well they are capturing your paying customers and pissing them off.

[br]If this program is the only thing standing between us and a bot invasion, I don't have much hope for the outcome. I would love to continue with Guitar Tricks, but captcha is annoying, disabling, and stupid. Having read similar complaints from others on the forum I know I am not alone in this assessment. I would love to continue with GT but I need to hear that you hear that this program is a PIA for us, your paying customers. Maybe you can't replace it immediately, but you could accept that captcha is a pain that needs replacing. You could state that you accept this fact. If so I would be very enthusiastic about remaining a paying customer.


Captcha is a total pain in the........

# 1
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10/21/2020 5:27 pm

I se the porn spam dickheads can get past the hills! It's weird... I don't get captchyad. Maybe staying logged on avoids It?

# 2
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10/21/2020 7:24 pm

I have heard that others just hit "enter" and the glide right past it. I tried that and it 'didn't work for me. I got sent to a word baised program that was worse than the pictures.

the point is that this "security" program is a real pos. I can't understand what I am gaining when the "security" is this full of holes. We have routine porn ads and jibberish in other than english. But I can't get in to follow the forum I paid good money for, and and GT sticks with it. They don't even acknowledge that people are not pleased with this pia program.

Captcha is a total pain in the........

# 3
john of MT
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john of MT
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10/21/2020 8:38 pm
Originally Posted by: snojones

I have heard that others just hit "enter" and the glide right past it. I tried that and it 'didn't work for me. I got sent to a word baised program that was worse than the pictures.

the point is that this "security" program is a real pos. I can't understand what I am gaining when the "security" is this full of holes. We have routine porn ads and jibberish in other than english. But I can't get in to follow the forum I paid good money for, and and GT sticks with it. They don't even acknowledge that people are not pleased with this pia program.

I don't like captacha either but [u]I whole heartedly disagree[/u].

When the spam started showing up a few years ago I made it a point to report each to Admin as soon as I saw it. GT Admin responded with speed and appreciation, deleting the posts and banning the user that posted it. Not only was there response quick, they sent personal emails confirming their action with their thanks. I suspect I'm close to one thousand spam emails tipped off although 600 of 'em were during a fury of Vietnamese language spams that took place over a couple weeks.

GT has greatly improved the blocking of spam, whether it's been by the captacha or other security introduced. 'We' are down to less than two or three a week which is a big improvement over the same number or more that use to occur daily.

There's been a big improvement in blocking this crap and those at GT responsible for its removal and/or blocking should be thanked.

There is also, apparently, much more to be done.


p.s. When I sumitted this post captacha showed up. I timed the process and it took me an excrutiatingly slow and painful and distracting 17 seconds to complete the process.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 4
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10/21/2020 10:04 pm

I'm not sure what all this "Captcha" business is about. Read a lot of threads about it and the problems you and some others are having.I have been a member for almost a year and I log on and off this forum almost daily from sometimes two different platforms. My Laptop running latest Windows versions with upgrades turned on. Windows Firewall set to pretty default settings. Dynamic DHCP from my network provider. Mozilla Firefox 81.02 with 64 bit encryption Internet browser.

My other device is my Iphone 6 running IOS14 and using Safari. Not once have I been prompted to go thru a captcha screen to connect to the Forum. It does however make me use it when I put in a long ( like this one) reply or topic but I don't find it to be much more than a minor nuisance to select a few images that have a crosswalk or cars or whatever in it. Are you sure there is not something in your network or firewall security settings that might be causing this. My old career as a Certified Network Administrator has me thinking either firewall or browser setting is too restrictive or your automatically deleting cookies after every session and it needs to renew itself every time.

Just throwing some ideas out there. Hope it gets resolved for you. Good Luck.


# 5

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