I have a huge problem... I think...=)

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12/26/2002 7:52 pm
Ok... Here's the deal... I have been playing for about 1,5 years and I am completely selftaught... And I have some problems with my picking technique... I does'nt always pick up-down-up-down etc..
i.e. (d=downstroke, u=upstroke)

Most of the other guitarists I've seen play:
d u d u d u d u d u d u d u d

I play:
d u d d u d d u d u d u u d u

With this technique I have noticed that it is harder to keep the timing when playing at high speeds..

Does anyone use the same technique as me?
Can anyone give me some hints or advices on improving while using this way of picking..?
Shall I relearn it all?

Please help me since I don't know any other guitarist who can answer these question...

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# 1
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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12/26/2002 11:36 pm
Economy picking (what you use) is great technique but I rather use alternate picking. For me it´s more easyer and even sound better (for me) ´cause you can really hear the scratch of the pick up down up down.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 2
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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12/26/2002 11:37 pm
Fatal Tragedy rulez man.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 3
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12/27/2002 1:03 am
don't sweat it, man. just go really, really, slow at first with the down up, down up thing, and you will have it totally wired-up.
# 4
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12/27/2002 12:35 pm
Economy picking is great, but you should develope good alternate picking technique first cuz you'll have problems playing evenly numbered notes on a same string with a considerable high tempo ..

i.e. Chromatic 4 notes per string scale, and any other riff that have 2,4,6,etc. notes per string.
# 5
Andrew Sa
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Andrew Sa
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01/03/2003 8:09 pm
I have a great way to practice alternate picking, I lerant it from someone on this board...I think it was Josh Redstone...anyway...just play your scales with alternate picking hitting each note three times before moving on to the next, it isn`t easy at fisrt, but you will get faster quickly.
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 6
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01/10/2003 10:55 pm
ok. thanks guy.
i will try it as soon as i receive my guitar
from the guitartech. it sucks.
but thanks anyway.
remember that death is not an end
but only a transition
# 7
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01/14/2003 3:34 am
I've been playing 1 year and I recently went through exactly the same thing you're talking about. Both picking styles are useful. Alternate picking is more common and it's easier for keeping time but I hear it's good to practice both. Just practice your scales again, that thing someone mentioned with picking every note of the scale twice might help. I should try that one myself. I'm guessing the economy picking is useful for really really really fast soloing but I'd use alternate for everything else.
# 8
Guitar Hurricane
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Guitar Hurricane
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01/14/2003 6:15 am
go slow, and keep going over it, 100% effective! that simple
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# 9

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