Inspiration for practice - I need your help!

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06/17/2017 2:35 am

Hey guys!

listen, I get a kick out of having a few whiskeys and watching videos of my favourite bands live, rare footage, and just kicking back with my family with music in the backround - it's always LOUD. and many times I practice and try to emulate my favourite riffs with proper technique, wishing to play like Randy Rhoads or Van Halen eventually

Does anybody have any tips for finding that fire to keep playing? I want to come to a mindspace like Jason Becker - where apparently while he was alive every waking moment from the age of 6 he could NOT put a guitar down? I practice 2 hours a day and Ive committed to daily practice for over 1-2 years now, but I feel like it's work, and I'm wondering is there a trick to ignite that FIRE inside you? I've started meditation, visualization techniques - even watched Vishen Lakhiani videos. If there are any enlightened Masters out there I would love your help!


\\m/ -_- m/

# 1
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06/17/2017 8:55 am


You know, not long ago I faced more or less the same problem. Felt practicing is just like work (I still do for some things, not all) and there's no enjoyment anymore. Also, for a brief short of time, I thought I'd lost my fire, was not fired up.

What I did, for every moment that I faced this frustration, I never let go of my guitar, and I was talking to myself like: "Listen, this is the thing you've always wanted, you've always dreamed of, DO NOT let go and DO NOT give up. Yes it's hard and at times frustrating, but again, DO NOT give up. Period."

As funny as it might be, it actually worked, with very new song I learned, I became more passionate, I started gradually thinking more about guitar, whenever I'm at work or out with friends I started to actually miss my guitar and at times I just want to be back home playing and such.

I hope this helps, and I really hope you find your fire and muse in something you like.

P.S. For me, when everything else fails, I watch Metallica live on YouTube, and man it fires me up like hell.

Rock on, my friend, and NEVER give up.

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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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06/19/2017 7:24 pm

Hi nblesingk,

I think it's always important to have fun. At the end of the day, guitar playing is about having fun and playing music. If you feel bored or uninterested or feel like you're just slogging through practice, make sure to take sometime and go on a bit of a guitar detour, that is, play something you know you really like. Whenever I feel in a sluggish music mood, I like to play some old Beatles songs because they're my favorite band. Other times I'll try and learn a new song I heard and try to pluck out the riff or the melody. Doing things like this is always refreshing and can open yourself to all sorts of new guitar ambitions.

- Billy

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