ethnic scales

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05/09/2002 12:41 pm
Ok,I'm happy with major/ minor scales, and i like them, but they dont sound as intresting as some ethnic scales... but i've hit a major problem... ethnic scales that use more than 8 degrees in one scale, any one have any idea how to takle this?
# 1
chris mood
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chris mood
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05/09/2002 5:32 pm
Not sure what your talking about. 8 degrees?
# 2
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05/09/2002 8:01 pm
some of the japanese scales, have 10 notes in one octave.. which is tricky, i've tried to figure out if it's got flateened fifths in addition to the normal scale or whatever, but i've not suceeded, cos it doesn't sound the same if you take some of the notes....
# 3
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05/10/2002 11:47 am
ed: the eastern music is not built on the diatonic scales system..
they dont use half tones as the smallest interval between different notes. i dont think you can play this stuff on guitar, uless you'll make it fretless..

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ren hoek
# 4
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05/10/2002 11:52 am
yeah, i was kinda thinking that...
saying that some of the scales do work on the guitar, and i'm wondering about how to mess with them, and manipulate them...
I was just curious...
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05/10/2002 2:19 pm
I once saw a guitar in Guitar Player mag that had frets divided not just in semi-tones but quarter tones, so you could do all that stuff... pretty cool. hard to get used to maybe
# 6

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