You all SUCK! The Guitar is crap!

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01/24/2002 7:53 pm
Okay, now I have your attention.

I wanted to say to all of you on this board, that as a guitarist, I'm relieved to see that there are so many guitar players out there that are still devoted to being good musicians.

We live in an age that is unfriendly to good guitar playing in the mainstream arena. It makes me happy to see hundreds of guitarists persevering and attempting to perfect, both technically and emotionally, their guitar playing.

It is our job, as genuine musicians, to bring musicianship back to popular music (think of the 70's, 80's and early 90's). Wouldn't the world be a much more wonderful place, if all musicians aspired to be great, or at least true to their feelings?

I see all of you of people as the last bastion of musicality in a degenerate musical era (that's just my humble opinion).


Education is a whip, and I'm being flogged.
# 1
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01/24/2002 9:42 pm
Yo!! SO I can't write techno anymore???
# 2
Led Zeppelin
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Led Zeppelin
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01/24/2002 11:32 pm
Nice sales tecnique. You sould be a marketing exec or something.
# 3
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01/25/2002 1:49 am
I must say, having seen your name in Guitarwar (is that right? maybe somewhere else) I was surprised at your topic. Yes I am a bastion of good taste (this was meant to be a bit of humour, but it comes across fairly arrogantly in this post, I was trying to be a bit sarcastic), but there is a helluva lot of great music being made out there in the world. Aside from the great Jazz bands playing in smaller venues, larger acts are doing good stuff; it just depends on whether you like them or not. Interesting aside: I went into a CD shop the other day and, having heard some of it before, decided on impulse to buy the DJ Shadow album "Endtorducing". Maybe not too many hear would like an album where the artist's name starts with "DJ", but has anyone else listened to his stuff? Not sure how big he is in the states, but he does some good stuff. I try to listen to different things as often as possible, and as long as you don't come at an album with preconceived ideas, it's remarkable how much you can take from albums in genres you would normally steer clear of.

[Edited by Bardsley on 01-31-2002 at 12:33 AM]
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 4
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01/25/2002 9:59 am
Although I play guitar, I'm not really a guitarist... it's hard to explain... I take it fairly seriously, but I dont play as well (or put in as much effort) as some poeple who quite frankly put me to shame,....

To Be honest I love the 60s and 70s, but hate the big egos and the cheese of the 80s... For the 80 i like to remember the more experimental stuff, as for the nineties, well, there's just too much music for me to recall ( i think that's when the whole music buisness kicked off)...

I'm glad that some poeple really enjoy playing guitar, but does it really need preserving? It's on record!! It's on audio, vidoe and how to play [fill in the blanks] book...

Personally I like to further the "sound"...
Well that's just my humble oppinion...
# 5

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01/28/2002 5:47 pm

I'm a guitarist but not a musician. I can play guitar but don't know a whole lot about music in general. I mean mixing bass with drums and guitar while trying to fit the lyrics somewhere in the middle.

I play for fun and hope to do it for a long time.

I find good music in all decades so can't say I'm dissappointed in the music industry so far....
# 6
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01/28/2002 6:08 pm
I've started tring to be a musician when I've started teaching...
# 7
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01/29/2002 2:33 am
Well. Im 14, cannot call myself a musician...I can play songs just by looking at them, then after a dozen times playin it over and over (sometimes less, somtimes more) i will remember it forever...but there is a "Zazz" kinda thing im missin in my playing. I think i'll get to pick up on all of that in a few months.
# 8
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01/30/2002 5:14 am
educatedfilm, there was a lot of good music in the early 90's: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, NIN.

I kind of agree about the current music scene. What they show on MTV as "popular" music isn't exactly that good. If you want to hear good music you have to do a lot of searching of the underground scene.
# 9
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01/30/2002 10:06 am
yep, thie ninties gave us a lot of great bands, but you must remember tehy weren't flooding the charts, and Nirvana never got a number 1 over here (in the UK)... So the charts's really pretty much the same...
# 10
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01/31/2002 5:49 am
charts r bull****, and mean nothing. the best stuff is underground, tht's where reality chills. not on the mainscreen. ~keith~
# 11
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02/01/2002 5:53 pm
and Nirvana never got a number 1 over here (in the UK)...


Sorry to be pedantic but I'm pretty sure that Nirvana got to number 1. with Heart Shaped Box (it was their only number 1. in the UK from what I can remember)

# 12
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02/01/2002 9:14 pm
No seriously.. they got nubmer 5 with heart shaped box... The reason I remeber this was because there was a chart thing on Number 1 singles, and they had a little mention of the very famous bands and artists that never got number 1 (nirvana and the sex pistols are the ones I remember)...

I'm sure there's a way to check this... Anyone know how?
# 13
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02/02/2002 1:03 am
hm... no

did anybody see my post saying musicians should be in charge of the record companies, and that the music would generally improve? wouldnt you think so? i do...i'll get into details later.
# 14
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02/02/2002 3:34 am
Well, in the States Nirvana had the #1 album, Nevermind. It beat out Michael Jackson during that time.
# 15

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