How do I hook up Boss GT-6?

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Joined: 08/20/07
Posts: 51
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Joined: 08/20/07
Posts: 51
03/18/2008 7:17 pm

I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, that I had a Boss GT-6, but didnt have an adapter. I had the thing for over 2 years, and well I finally got my adapter. At the time, my REAL amp (Fender 65wDSP) was being replaced, so I had a smaller fender 15 w practice amp.

It was easy to hook up with that thing. However, I got my real amp back yesterday. I can't get my Boss GT-6 to work!! Its only two freakin' cables, and I've tried every combination of input/output and the sound just wont come through my amp!

My Boss GT-6 was from a friend who's now long gone, and I never got a manual. So I'm Lost...
# 1
Official PRSplaya Groupie
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Official PRSplaya Groupie
Joined: 12/04/05
Posts: 661
03/18/2008 7:30 pm
Not sure if this will help you or not. But you can get the manual for the Boss GT-6 >here<
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.
# 2

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