Boss GT-6 Adapter online?

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Joined: 08/20/07
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Joined: 08/20/07
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02/25/2008 6:50 pm

Okay here's the deal. I've had this Boss GT-6 Effects Processor for almost 3 freakin' years, and have yet to actually be able to use it. I bought it off a "friend", for 200 and said he'd get me the adapter when he could. Well, he ended up going to jail/moving/whatever and I never got it.

I went to Radio Shack, but none of their adapters were enough amp/wattage. I then went to the music shop I bought my guitar and amp from, and asked them. They said they could order it, but it would take a while due to backorder. GRR!!!

Ive checked out and ebay and I can't seem to find it. The closest I got was a picture of one for the Boss GT-8 on musiciansfriend, but I dont think they sell just the adapters. *sigh* On ebay they had a Boss "power supply" but it wasn't compatible for the GT effects processors. Lame.

Can someone link me somewhere I can get one of these things? I cant believe its that freaking hard to score one of these damn things.
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Joined: 11/26/07
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Joined: 11/26/07
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02/25/2008 9:56 pm
Originally Posted by: Guitardude61951I cant believe its that freaking hard to score one of these damn things.

$32 at Guitar Center. Took me about 45 seconds to find.

I also have a GT-6. I haven't really tried creating my own sounds yet. Still trying to figure out how to transfer ones I find on the internet to it. Of course I've only had it for 3 months. I can't imagine just having it sit there for 3 years.
# 2

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