View post (Thumb over neck of guitar to mute low E string)

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Joined: 11/04/23
Posts: 3
Full Access
Joined: 11/04/23
Posts: 3
04/17/2024 10:33 pm

Hi Guys,

In a lot of tutorials, the instructor's thumb is used to mute the low E string while playing certain chords etc, so you can play more freely without having to focus on which strings to hit.

I have tried everything to do this, but I find the size of my hand restricts me from being able to do this. I can change chords fast and clean to play songs, so I have improved since picking up the guitar over the past 6 months, but I just can't get my thumb over the neck. As soon as I do, it compromises the chord I am playing and then I can't play the chord properly.

Is this normal for different people and players? It just means I have to focus more on the strings I want to hit.

Is it possibly my technique and with a bit of guidance I can learn to put my thumb over the neck and play the chord properly? I have just tried everything and I just can't do it.

I wish I could though as it would make playing certain chords freely so much easier.

Any advice will be appreciated.
