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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,397
01/19/2021 2:32 pm
Originally Posted by: diwildiac

On the fretboard you have all the notes in an octave on each string, low E on string 6. If I where to play notes and not plain guitar tab what is the logic with witch string I should use for a given note?[/quote][p]In general this will be indicated on the sheet music music plus tab notation. And although there is sometimes more than one place to play some notes on the guitar, the context of the music will usually mean that it's easier or more efficient to play in one location than another.

More importantly, as a beginner it's more than enough for you to just focus on the notes of the open strings & the first 5 frets.

[quote=diwildiac]In other words, if I where to play a song with starts with the notes "G,C,E,G,G,F,E" how would I choose the strings to use, since all notes are essentially on all strings?

It's not quite that wide open. :) The sheet music for a song will show you the specific notes in a certain range. For example there are only 2 possible places to play the lowest C on the guitar.

1. 3rd fret A string.

2. 8th fret low E string.

And for the vast majority of beginner applications that note C will be played on the 3rd fret of the A string.

Keep following the Fundamental course. In GF2 you will get to reading music & a lot of this will be made much more clear. For now it's more important to build your basic playing skills.

Hope this helps!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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