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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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12/03/2020 2:32 pm
Originally Posted by: bcraig4J

I was wondering if anyone one here uses this mac app or iOS for Harmonics Analysis


I wasn't familiar with it. So, I found their YouTube channel with an intro tutorial.

Wow, that's a pretty powerful program! Lots of bells & whistles, neat options.

It looks like it does funcional analysis at many different levels of difficulty. But I'm not sure it will do want you want.

[quote=bcraig4J]now I am trying to focus on Harmony and the best ways to arrange chords to fit the melody line and this is a great program to aide in that journey

Did you see somewhere in that program that you can enter a melody line? And harmonize it? Because I only see chord progression analysis. I don't know much about the program, but I didn't see a tool for that option.

I did see a video in which a guy is using the program to analyze a jazz tune. But he's getting the melody from a Real Book. Then he puts the chords into the program & it helps him figure out which mode is being used in the song.

The point here is that I'm not sure this program will show you how to harmonize a melody. I've only seen it used to analyze a pre-existing melody & chord progression. So, caveat emptor! Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
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