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Joined: 07/08/20
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Registered User
Joined: 07/08/20
Posts: 23
10/17/2020 3:24 am

Well here it is you all! What a handsome little amp. The black sheathing is a nice rubber-like material, it's built solid too. I'm actually glad the knobs are on the top because I like the amp on the floor, and I can reach the knobs fairly easily.

As you can see I like a nice simple setup. I do own one pedal, that Boss looper on the table. I need to get good at looping so I can start laying down my own rhythm tracks, which will help me get better as a guitarist.

The sound:

This thing can go loud man! I'm glad I didn't get the 35 watt version, that would have been way overkill. I live with my mom and brother so I can't blast it too loud anyway. Maybe some time I'll load the guitar and amp into my van and head to a park or somewhere, where I can see what this thing can do.

As far as the tone, it sounds good to me! Better than my Line 6 Pocket Pod (even through headphones). I'm just a novice guitarist so I'm not a connoisseur of tone by any means. But I just like the fact that my guitar signal isn't being digitally processed before heading out the speaker. It's definately got a real "electric" and raw sound compared to the Line 6.

The clean channel is beautiful, the built in reverb knob is all the extra effect I need (works on the dirty channel too). As far as the dirty channel you have a gain knob, and 3 knobs for treble, mid, and bass (which work on the clean channel too)...that's it! It's like the basic ingredients for carving out your tone.

I like the gain up about half way, maybe a little bit past. But you turn the gain way up and it sounds like a growling beast, it's great.

Well, that's my initial impression of the Crush 20, from a newbie guitarist who doesn't know alot about amps. There are tons of reviews already on youtube, from much more experienced gutarists.

Now I really have to kick up my game and get better fast, because this amp sounds too good to play through headphones all the time.