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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,397
07/23/2020 2:01 pm
Originally Posted by: xamovz

I noticed the grid of major scale, studied in the fundamentals course, it's the same grid starting on the 2nd fret, but when you went up to the 7th fret the grid changed a litlle as it starts on the 7th fret D string but goes down to the 6th fret on G string if I am not mistaken, following a similar pattern of the minor scale grid, and that's what confused.

The reason the grid changes is because the B string is tuned an interval of a major 3rd or 4 frets higher than the G string. All the other strings are tuned a 4th or 5 frets higher.

Thereforeany pattern that crosses from the G to the B string has to be adjusted up 1 fret to make up for the difference. Once the pattern gets to the high E string it remains the same.

Look at this image.

Notice the position of the scale degree. In the first pattern all the notes are on strings all tuned 5 frets apart. So, the 1st is 1 fret higher than the 3rd & 6th. The 2nd, 5th & 7th are all on the same frets.

But when you move the pattern to cross the G to B strings, that part of the pattern has to shift up 1 fret.

I explain this in depth & detail in here. I'm currently updating this old tutorial & the corresponding minor scale one, too. :)

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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