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Joined: 01/25/02
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Joined: 01/25/02
Posts: 1,149
04/09/2002 10:33 am
Originally posted by chris mood
....But there are still some talented musicians sprouting up, you just have to search a little harder and don't depend on commercial radio.....

Commercial radio is just that,commercial radio.They're in it for thr money,not the art.It just so happens they make money from something that thanx to them used to be art.
Just like condom manufacturers.Does using condoms do all it's said to do.Sure.But you think Durex wish you to keep away from aids?They don't give a phuck.For all they care,you might as well be using condoms to decorate for christmas or something.That's why their adverts don't in any way discourage sex(forget what they say in that small print),which would be the surest way of avoiding STD's and all.That's not where it's at for them.If someone found a new use for condoms that everone needed,thed go there in a flash.Forget the stuff about aids.What is aids?