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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
Posts: 2,907
03/18/2002 9:11 pm
Candlebox - Short lived, but good.
The Dandy Worholls - Crap.

Like anything else, the original, "fresh" sounding, creative, "old school," grunge/alternative guys were replaced by cheap imitations. Why? Because it was selling. Then came Nu-Metalish stuff which I think will be replaced within two or three years. Possibly sooner. We're allready seeing a lot of bands where everybody (or so it seems) looks at them and says "what is this CRAP?!?!?"

Right now record labels are signing anybody who sorta kinda has "that sound" and possibly a good looking frontman who they think will sell a few albums. If the band flops they still have to pay back the advance, so what does it hurt?
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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