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Joined: 12/31/01
Posts: 57
Joined: 12/31/01
Posts: 57
03/18/2002 7:16 pm
Maybe, well I'm almost certain... it's because the peepz of these days (me excluded :) ) don't realise how much effort there goes into writing music. I'll tell you a little story that will surely sound familiar. When some friends come by and they see my guitar they ask if I wanna play something. Sure, so I play something like a sweep/tapping... to show some of my skills, but they don't seem to be interested because they think it sounds to 'classic' = they think I stink at playing the geetar (which is partly true :). BUT, if you play something really simple and with a catchy tune they think you're one hell of a guitarist. my point is, people who aren't occupied with music in any way just go for the thing they find the most attractive to hear. Yeah, sure, a solo from Yngwie sounds mighty impressive to us, but let it hear to some one who doesn't know a thing about guitars and he'll say it's not bad but there are much beter songs. (offcourse this doensn't count for all music and every group, I just generalised)
Oh, and another thing IMHO is, commercials DO matter ! Anyone ever seen a commercial of a band like Megadeth/... ?
Well I don't (maybe in your country, but not in Belgium) but when you look at groups like depeche mode/blink/korn you see all kinds of ****ty publicity stunts to encourage you to buy their newest cd. Real bands just have to do it by mouth to mouth publicity and gigs. Imho, you've got the talent and you play some descent guitar/drums/... without having some stupid commercial to give you financial ensurance or you don't have the talent and you 'invest' in your music to get the fourfold back.

All big 'imho's, don't shoot me if you don't agree with something I said :)