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Joined: 08/23/08
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Registered User
Joined: 08/23/08
Posts: 52
04/22/2011 10:20 pm
You guys did a wonderful job on the Bob Seger article but you missed the entire "first page" of his carreer and unfortunately publishing rights has all to do with it. The "Bob Seger System's" first "BIG" hit was "Heavy Music" but way before that was Bob Seger and "The Last Heard" and their first "Hit" single (locally anyway) "East Side Story". You forgot Bob's early endeavors with Tea Garten and Van Winkle and the Seeg's version of "If I Were A Carpenter". You also neglected his early LP "Smokin O.P.s". Detroit/Ann Arbor Michigan was as big on the music scene in the 60's as was San Francisco. There were days that saw Michigan Bands such as Cat Mother and the All Night Newsboys, the Frost, Vanilla Fudge, Grand Funk Railroad, the MC5, Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen, and of course Bob Seger (the Last Heard/the System/the Siver Bullet Band) and these are just to mention a few. Michigan played a huge part in the music AND political scene in the 1960's-just ask Jane Fonda and (Senator) Tom Hayden nee "the Port Huron Manifesto" and the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and the Weathermen Underground. Hell, Kent State was only Nixon's "Trial Run" before sending troops into Michigan.