How old is too old?

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02/21/2002 4:18 pm
Im 37 been playing 25 years with no lessons.
I hope I am buried with my guitar in hand.
because I love it so much. Sometimes its the
only thing that keeps me going!!!!!!:cool:
Rock-n-Roll 4 Ever
:cool: Jack 7
# 1
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02/21/2002 5:26 pm
I guess i'm the oldest member of guitar-tricks!
I'm 62 going on 30.ha ha (Really 62 years old)
I feel great still look like i'm in my 30s.ha ha
Plus i keep up with all new music plus new guitarists.
I like all music plus learning new technique's.
Also i have played pro all my life done the road thing,
and all that good stuff.I still teach guitar give private,
lessons, work on computers plus sell them.
Really playing guitar is my main job computers are my,
hobby.I still practice sometimes 3 to 4 hours aday.
I have know health problems.(knock on wood)
I do wear gloves alot when outside to protect my hands.
Have played Pro since 1961 and i'm still playing Pro
2 to 3 nites aweek on the road plus at local clubs.
So far i don't have any grey hair that you can see,
unless you look real close.
Don't really get along with older bands thier living,
in the past.I seem to hit it off great playing with,
bands that are only in thier 20s&30s or mabee early 40s.
I still can't spell worth a sh## but i try .ha ha
I went thro the recording scene in 1962&1963 turned,
down a studio job in (Nashville) 1964 i really liked,
the road alot better plus i did'nt want to leave the,
band at the time.So i really seen them come and seen,
them go.My secret to staying young is think young!
I was lucky enough to meet alot of great guitarists,
on my travels around the states plus back a few artists,
plus did alot of gigs were my band was the warm up,
band for some great artists.
Anymore i mainly play in my own state not driving more ,
than a 100 miles from home.
Anyway i think your as young as you want to be!

Peace Mark
p:s I do drink diet-pepsi still smoke too much but,
trying to quit.
Used to drink the good stuff thro my early years but
quit in 1963.

yours truly Mark Toman
# 2
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02/22/2002 12:00 am
i think that you shouldn't care too much about how good other people are and make a big deal about should try your hardest to get better...practice makes perfect
# 3
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02/22/2002 12:24 am
Originally posted by ignoble_yonoid
i think that you shouldn't care too much about how good other people are and make a big deal about should try your hardest to get better...practice makes perfect

Who are you talking too hell were all ready good,
who needs practice!
Besides that i thought this thread was about (How old is too old)

(Just keep getting better with age)

yours truly Mark Toman
# 4
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02/22/2002 1:41 am
practice makes perfect and perfect makes us all
# 5
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02/22/2002 3:20 pm
I don't no-body that is perfect !
We all practice but were not perfect.
Define perfect?


[Edited by skee1 on 02-22-2002 at 09:25 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
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02/22/2002 11:38 pm
I'm pretty sure I've said this before...

But I see humanity in the imperfections.
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02/23/2002 1:09 am
and i see imperfections in humanity...
# 8
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02/23/2002 6:52 pm
...started 13- just turned 14 now......

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02/23/2002 9:43 pm
there are no wrong notes "miles davis"
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02/24/2002 12:06 am
hmmm... that would explain "bithches brew" lol
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02/25/2002 3:27 am
# 12
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02/25/2002 2:23 pm
Originally posted by jack7
Im 37 been playing 25 years with no lessons.
I hope I am buried with my guitar in hand.
because I love it so much. Sometimes its the
only thing that keeps me going!!!!!!:cool:
old never!
Rock-n-Roll 4 Ever
:cool: Jack 7
# 13
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02/25/2002 7:22 pm
good ol bitches brew, isn't that a brilliant recording...silent way. Miles Davis is enlightened.
# 14
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02/25/2002 10:17 pm
thats an artist i havent gotten into. miles davis. is he worth gettin into?
# 15
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02/25/2002 10:57 pm
sort of, he's one of these jazz guys (like another group that was around later in the 80s, i cant remember their name, the science technicain at my old school gave me a listen to them), where basically it's like normal jazz soloing, but with out the backing melody, and everyone's soloing at once, so it sounds good if you know that progression, but crap if you just started listening half way through a song... The way he trumpets on some songs scares the crap out of me, it's the exact same sound i hear when i have a nightmare and it's the end of the world/ judgment day... he plays this scary thing, where he would play like A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,G... have a listen to it, but i haven't heard if for ages so i maybe confusing it with something else...(someone help me out)
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02/26/2002 12:02 am
listen to silent way first. its a beautifull recording that sets a heart into gentle ease like taking valium, very spiritual. Those scales he plays on bitches brew are usually the phrygian mode (for nightmare-think megadeaths sound), although he holds back a degree pouncing off the dorian mode,..making it sound like he's laying way back into it.

All is one.
# 17
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04/27/2002 4:22 pm
ur never too old to only 15, but its so much fun it doesnt matter...
# 18

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