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Thomas Schellhous
New Member
Joined: 02/05/02
Posts: 8
Thomas Schellhous
New Member
Joined: 02/05/02
Posts: 8
02/08/2002 1:21 am
Hey Mr Crowley, I know exactly how you feel. I am eighteen and first started messing around on my Dad's old classical guitar (which was in the garage and hadn't been played in about 15 years) when I was 11. I am completely self-taught, and technically I have been playing for around 7 years. My senior year of high school I took a music class and met a guitarist a year younger than me who had been playing for five years and he completely kicked my ass. It is sort of humbling and depressing to hear about kids blazing away to Malmsteen and Vai when I am still struggling with arpeggios. I am a decent player, but nowhere near excellent or amazing. It is VERY frustrating sometimes. I feel like I can't improve at all!