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Joined: 07/05/24
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Joined: 07/05/24
Posts: 0
02/08/2002 1:10 am

I'm 24 and been playing for ten years now.

When I was 16-17 I would impress a lot of people with my playing cause nobody really knew how to play. So I learn a couple of solos by Metallica and I was GOD. It never got to my head because I have an uncle who is really a great blues player.

So everytime I started to think I was great, he kindly reminded me to get down my high horse with some incredible solo. I can't thank him enough for that. Then, in college, I meet what I think is still the best guitar player I will have the chance to meet. That guy introduced me to Satriani Randy Roads and all the best out there. I learned and progressed so much with his teaching. I was 18 at the time.

I can't play what I used to now. All those Satriani solos are too hard, because I don't practice them enough but I am happier now than I was back then. I can improvise on songs and just jam away. That's what I like.

Like educatedfilm said, I got commitments and a lot of bills to pay. I can't spend three hours a day practicing, but I can spend 30 minutes - 1 hour of jamming along a tape and that is enough for me.