View post (I dont get time signatures...)

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Joined: 08/20/07
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Joined: 08/20/07
Posts: 51
03/01/2008 8:22 am
**This is a long post!**

...And I'm starting to think I never will. :(

This is going to start off in a tedious rant, to get to my point. Here we go.

In a nutshell, here's my beef. I've literally been involved in music in one way or another since I was 7. I'm 22 now. I started with my voice in 1st grade, then elementary school decided we all had to learn the recorder at 3rd grade. That was when i started really learning to read music, ironically, I was unaware thats what I was doing at the time. Just thought I was reading notes on a page.

That ended in the 5th grade, then from the 6th grade until 10th grade i played trombone in band class which I hated, but learned to "read music". I understood all the notes on the page, and whatnot, but never got the whole 4/4 2/4 4/6 thing going on. I asked a lot, but never really understood.

At 16 I started learning guitar, via my history teacher. Weird. He just taught me the open chords, and a blues riff and thats that. Everything since, I've done on my own. I bought a "Music Theory" book at the guitar shop a few years back, but never got past probably page 13 on it...

I can "read music" but I still dont get time signatures, when people are talking about stuff like 4/8 or 8/16 or whatever. When I "read music" in band class, I pretty much just matched the notes to the rhythm to how the trombonists next to me were playing, and it was pretty damn easy.

If you were to ask me about time signatures, all I know is that one of the numbers means how many beats per measure, but I couldnt tell you what the other number means without looking at that music theory book. IF I looked, I'd forget by tomorrow anyway, so why bother... *sigh*

The thing that pisses me off the most, is when I want to talk "musically" with other people, they talk about time signatures and whatnot... and I can read music, but just not those DAMN THINGS!! It just makes me feel like I can read music, but simultaneously I dont know **** about music if I dont know what time sigs are really...

I can look at any notation book, and understand exactly how to play the song, but I cant WRITE notation due to that damn time signature thing.