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12/30/2007 7:32 pm
GAS Alert! January '08 – Electro-Harmonix Stereo Memory Man

The new Stereo Memory Man has almost nothing in common with the deluxe from which it takes its name. It is an all-in-one, stereo multi-tap delay, echo and loop station and you can either take the Electro-Harmonix presets or create your own. The 'Hazarai' control is a rotary switch that gives access to all settings, and with a bit of practice can be operated with the side of your foot to give access to multiple presets in a live rig.

The bit processing and recording is 24-bit 46.88k whilst the delays and looper are 32-bit. With that level of quality, it's no surprise that complex multi-layered loops maintain their structure even once you've added pitch shifting within the delays – no mud here folks!

Now, if you're thinking this pedal looks complicated, you've got a point. With all those controls and settings, I'll admit I spent a half hour with the instruction book before I got going. Once I had the basics figured out it was actually very easy to use and surprisingly intuitive – particularly the loop function which is excellent and just as easy to use as the Digitech station I'm familiar with. Echo can be dialled in from a small reverb to an endless echo with no decay. You can also run it in reverse, which makes for interesting results.

The new stereo memory man is all digital, unlike the analogue memory man deluxe from which is is derived. You might expect the delay and echo to lack warmth as a result, but no worries there. Overall I've found this pedal to be a very musical addition to my pedalboard. The looped samples can be layered and the soundscapes created can be very complex, but it never loses clarity. I don't have a stereo setup, so cannot comment on the ping pong delay between outputs, but if the rest of the unit are anything to go by, that'll be a very musical option as well.

Go give a Stereo Memory Man a try, and I think you'll be impressed...

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