View post (Line 6 Spider III amp sounds ?)

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High on Strat
Joined: 12/31/06
Posts: 71
High on Strat
Joined: 12/31/06
Posts: 71
03/17/2007 1:36 am
LATS, That's not an insult. Saying I was a cheap SOB when I made the purchase, and that I should use it as a boat anchor and buy a real amp. Would have been an insult. ;). I'm new to this and didn't know any better at the time of the purchase. I got what I asked for....a good, but inexpensive amp that would get me started and I could play in the house without disrupting the whole family, like my son did with the Sax when he first started. LOL
So on that note, what would be a good amp that meets my requirements of being able to play in the house. Please keep in mind that I never intend on gigging with it. It's just a personal enjoyment for me. I may play for friends or jam with them in a garage or home enviroment.