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Instructor - Knucklehead
Joined: 05/05/08
Posts: 119
Instructor - Knucklehead
Joined: 05/05/08
Posts: 119
06/23/2008 9:56 pm
2 words for ya: DANNY GATTON :D

Shortest dang fingers you might ever see on a guitar player & that dude could blaze like no one's business.

But yeah, I know what you mean. I don't have huge hands either & basically the only thing you can really do, is learn to work around it as best you can. As it's been mentioned, guitar positioning can have a lot to do with it. Playing it higher can give you better access & playing with your thumb in the center of the neck (as opposed to wrapped around the side) can help to maximize your reach/stretch.
It's one of the things where it's really kind of tough to offer any definitive advice without really seeing how & where you're struggling. But guitar & hand positioning are probably the most important aspects, then just building up finger strength through repetition.

Hope that kinda helps,
