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Joined: 10/31/06
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Registered User
Joined: 10/31/06
Posts: 61
01/03/2007 9:16 pm
actually, I have a metronome. I have one I downloaded onto my ipod. I plug my ipod into my amp. I still have a hard time with that too. I find that when I try to play the metronome, I lose my pace/rhythm even more than without it. I think my mind is trying to much to focus on the metronome when it plays, but I don't know how to make it not, LOL.

I agree, I think going the instructor route was very helpful. I do find myself pushing harder than I ever would have on my own. I used to practice about an hour a day, now it is about 2-3 hours a day! I don't mind though, because I enjoy it. I just sit down in front of the tv, put on music videos (can't hear them though cause I use headphones in my amp), and practice away till the wee hours of the night.

As far as the foot tapping, etc. goes, I don't have a problem with that with music, as a matter of fact when I listen to music I usually do tap either my finger or my foot. I think it is creating my own rhythm in my body without hte music to accompany it that is giving me such a difficult time. Does that make sense?