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Joined: 07/01/24
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Joined: 07/01/24
Posts: 0
12/29/2006 7:43 pm
Speaking for myself here but ...

The first few lessons are usually to size up the student, see what you can do easily and what you have trouble with. This might go on for a few weeks but it`s normal at first.

You really have to give honest feedback to your teacher. Only with those feedbacks can he make his lessons better for you. Otherwise he might be teaching stuff you either don`t want to learn or not putting enough time on what you have trouble with. Feedback is the key, you`re a team. He teaches you things, you gotta respond and let him know what you feel.

A teacher should also push you a little, give you somewhat of a challenge. Otherwise you`ll probably get bored anyway :)

When you see your teacher again, make it a priority to tell him what you did easily and what you struggled with.

On a final note, never be afraid to ask him stuff. Stuff like ..... what do you expect from me? :)