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Joined: 04/26/05
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05/22/2006 7:13 pm
Originally Posted by: pure
ive noticed that the people who never get nervous are a certain type of people.. so i give you this advice...

i know that makes you feel like some prep or something, but are preps ever nervous?

It does take that certain kind of personality... Not so much for rhthym guitarists... but for lead guitarist and frontmen... it takes that certain bit of outgoing personality. You have to start by not caring what people think about you... dress the part... dress how you would dress if you were a rockstar. It may sound stupid... but if you put yourself in the role 24/7 it'll make it that much easier on stage. Put yourself in front of people and at the center of attention as much as possible. Take public speaking classes if your high school offers them... Take theater classes if your high school offers them... I didn't and I almost wish I would have. But I've never had a problem being nervous... which leads me to the next part...

I was considered a jock/prep in high school... I was a starting guard on the basketball team... and the starting shortstop on the baseball team... all four years. I don't consider MYSELF a prep... or whatever, I was always good friends with people from all different cliques in my school. People use to call me "the bridge" because I bridged gaps between a lot of cliques in our school. I connected the stoners/skaters/rockers with the jock/preps.... But anyway, I was always in front of crowds... and I always had to act confident... I was a leader on my athletic teams so I had to show my confidence... I got use to it... That helped me out a lot... I think that's why people stereotype preps like that........ that, and a lot of them are cocky... which is a type of confidence... It's good to be a little cocky... but not arogant.