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Joined: 01/28/06
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Registered User
Joined: 01/28/06
Posts: 165
03/11/2006 11:44 am
Originally Posted by: 16andlifetogothanks for the replay man :) I have decited to go ahead and learn a little theory.

I have been learning a little bit of thoery thanks to Jolly. he has litteraly waled me through all the modes, and explaned everything to me. He is now teaching me about the circle of 5ths. I am forever greatfully Jolly.

Your a good guy, i dont care what the others sya about ya :p

Thanks for the loyalty, Do you now know from study "basic" music theroy
If yes, you liklly have quadrupled your catalog of movements memorized thru both octaves. If you slacked on your study time, and still cant tell me what music theroy means you have yet to begin, and await further instruction. Oh you can tinker around and make up some riffs, and copy songs created by others, and have friends teach finger positions to songs, or rifffffss, or cool shreds born of creative impulses. But do you really understand what your doing as your playing so you can continue to play up, and down the fretboard thru two octaves, and covering every note in the key of choice without straying into another key accidently. Boy, when you get to this point of understanding you can do sick, twisted sh*t thats coming out sounding more, and more correct to your ear.
Thats gets to be alot of fun. The point when it finally clicks, and you get it, and can pick it up and do it at will, any time, any direction, non stop if you so desire in correct musical practice, you may start to feel your becoming the greatist player of all time, but your not it just feels that way. Around every corner there will be someone better, and there better because they most likelly have simply learned, and understood basic music theroy many years sooner then you, and theres nothing more important than years of practice daily to make the fingers do imposible things.
The greatist players = the highest number of correct, productive practice hours put in.
Practice,practice,practice,Its the practice I am preachen, and if you aint beliven your playing will surely sux!