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Joined: 09/19/02
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04/08/2005 3:16 pm
Originally Posted by: RaskolnikovI've been known to enjoy:

Reading; designing CD covers, logos and other such graphically inclined things; cooking (glad to see that grilling weather is coming back around); camping; dressing down in Carhartts and a wifebeater, shooting some Wild Turkey then seeking out cocky college kids and luring them into debates they simply aren't equipped to participate in; and several of the more benine forms of Extreme Rednecking including but not limited to: paintball, shooting things, and driving around in my truck with my windows down and blaring either Scissorfight or some quality Country music.

Dude, are we long lost brother's? I was sitting here going over what I was going to put down, and then I got you your post.... You basically took the words right out of my mouth.

I'll go ahead and throw in a few more though...

I enjoy cooking, mainly on the grill, hunting anything, fishing, playing in the mud, a.k.a. muddin', jet skee's, drinking, designing various things, woodworking, movie's, bon fire's, and drinking. :D
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