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Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
04/08/2005 1:36 am
I enjoy reading, writing, but not 'rithmetic so much, although I can certainly do it if need be. I watch a ****load of movies. I am a ****ing movie fanatic. I don't watch much TV. I occasionally play video games. I usually play Smash Bros with some guys or Halo depending on what we're feelin' like. I sometimes don't vary sentence structure on purpose just to see if I can write an entire post without doing so.
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk!

My band is better than yours...