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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
02/08/2005 1:19 am
My thoughts on judo and other 'defensive arts'....

don't wait to get you ass kicked!Your attacker will not just give you his hand or go along with a hip throw.Breaking and jamming fingers is an exellent way to end a fight,but you have to be within grappling range or on the ground(and the ground is the LAST place you want to be in a real confrontation).As for fancy wrist locks and using your attackers inertia to gain advantage,its just ridiculous.Letting your opponent strike first is like letting a gunslinger have the first draw.Also,your opponent isn't going to just flow into your defense gracefully as a training partner in the dojo will...

There is no 'tapping out' in a real fight...there are no emt's or doctors standing by(unless you fight in a hospital) rules or form...just your life.

There is never a 'winner' in a real fight or walks away still breathing and the other injured or worse.
Try once,fail twice...