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Joined: 02/01/05
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Joined: 02/01/05
Posts: 131
02/05/2005 3:03 am
Originally Posted by: HammurabiException- judo.

Self defense really is more simple than most people make it out to be. It only takes five pounds of pressure to tear someone's ear off (rip from top to bottom). A kick to the inside of the kneecap can disable an assailant more effectively than a nut shot, often permanently. If you get ahold of a single finger and have a decent grip on it you can bend it backwards until it's laying across the back of the subject's forearm (many attempted rapes have been stopped by this). A hard palm up the nose will stop anyone dead in their tracks.

Moral of the story- don't ever try mugging anyone unless you're packing a firearm or halberd.

ROFL- if anyone ever tried to stick me up with a halberd, I would probably die laughing before they got to me (even through a halberd would do it if I wasn't incapacitated already)!
[FONT=Times New Roman]The rich get richer til the poor get educated.[/FONT]
-Sage Francis