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Joined: 08/28/04
Posts: 75
09/11/2004 3:35 pm
Originally Posted by: DreamRyche2112trust me, none of us think you are condoning or forgive those people. I still do not think that the war on Iraq is pointless, could Bush have done a better job at handling the war, YES. I think he should have deployed a much larger amount of troops. I think he underestimated what those people over there could do. Intelligence should have found every key building, not only key to the pople of Saddam, but key to the terrorists. I think Bush kind of forgot that if we go over there, its not only going to be the Iraqis that we are fighting.

I think the problem sould have, should have, and needed to be handle without an actual war at all. The problem wasn't that we didnt have enough troops. The problem was we couldn't tell which civilians were our enemies or not. There was no possible way we could'va had that war with Iraq without killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and in that case i believe we should have avoided war.

Yes, I am happy Saddam is out of there because initially getting him away from Iraq will probably end up saving many lives and countries from destruction. But i still don't think it was worth as many lives as what it took. There are other ways, we have the best lawyers and strategists in the world, why don't we just take our time to figure one out?
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