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Un-Registered User
Joined: 08/08/02
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09/09/2004 5:44 am
If memory saves me, the main issue used to convince people that war is a necessity was the WMDs , nuke and missile capability of Saddam , it was even claimed by Blair (based upon inteligence reports) that Saddam can reach places in europe within 45min !!
Since nothing was found ,these inteligence reports (amercian & british) were either:
a) Fabricated , which means we've got lying adminstrations in both countries that lies even to their own people .
b) These reports resulted from hard working inteligence agents and were supposed to be true , but turned out to be the mess they were... That's even worse , cuz this means that both countries should apoligize & withdraw from Iraq , and never use their goddamn inteligence reports against anybody ever again. (I don't really believe that's the case)

Saddam was never, and could have never ever been a threat to the almighty america ... May be he was a threat to the region in 80's , but that was before invading Kuwait, being defeated, and contained by numerous sanctions.
By the way, I don't think that Saddam really hated america before 1990 ... He was heavily supported by america, which is actually what kept him in power for all these years inspite of all wars he got his people into.

Anyway, how is america safer with all the mess they got themselves into in Iraq (it's gonna be years before this ends, if Bush stays ) , having most of the world against american policies specialy Iraqies like those who do the kidnaping stuff and resistance in their homeland right now ... Possibly, these guys might find their way to carry out operations on american ground someday ... For most global viewers, I don't think it's gonna be a surprise if it happens.

Now, for the first time in history, they were even considering a possible delay in the election day if something came up ... Bush is definately sure that america is safer, yeah ?

I just remembered another lie , while preparing for the war, they even tried to link Saddam to Alqaeda and Bin Laden (which is the most ridiculous joke I've ever heard) , and I think Bush harped on that again few weeks ago or something ... I mean repeating lies that turned out to be lies, and still finds stupid people to believe.

I never said that Bush is dumb to wage a war for oil ... I only said he waged war for oil (& supremacy) , you added "dumb". ;)